Tuesday, December 30, 2008

the end is coming

*rofl* no..im not talking bout the end of this corrupt world... 2008 is nearly end and i just realize that some of things happens and affected my life so far...

so how are u guys? it's been a while since i post here :) well nuff said, i wanna ask u guys....what do u think of 2008? what did u gain? did u lost something? (or someone?), did u meet new friends?

for me...for the last 4 years i was hoping that this would be the best year.. yes, i put some hope and dreams a few years ago for this year, but it wasn't went as i want... it looks like i ruin my dream my self...or is it someone else's fault? aaaahhh..... i used to share suggestion and friends used to come for me for advice bout their relationship ( kebongkar juga deh aslinya pengen curhat patah hati) but this time, i dunt even have a simple suggestion for myself... my gf and i decided to walk different path, we were separated after 6 years of relationship. i still cant find a word to describe that day...suddenly all the songs i loved sounds like a knife on my eardrum, coz all the songs bring me to her :( and it's really hurt like a knife (damn u bryan adams!) to hear it and remembering all the time u have spent.

.................................................................................... but it's ok now! i got back on my feet again. now im looking forward...yes i believe that 2008 maybe not the year for me..but 2009 will be!!

so i hope i can actively updating this blog... and now i can fill this blog with all the images i've been shot for the last couple of month...my hdd is nearly full so i have to wait for my new hdd to come, and after this and that, (yup, i got postponed thanks to that stupid store at jakarta!!) it's finally come... my uncle bought it as a christmas gift ( i thought santa is only imaginary one hehehehh) and i can transfer all my photos and start to uploading again.

so the next post will be lots of pictures :D

big hug


Wednesday, October 22, 2008

making believe

Making believe,
That you still love me.
It's leaving me
Alone and so blue.
I'll always dream, but I'll never own you.
Making believe,
Is all I can do.
( social distortion's making believe)

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

morning has broken

hunting bulanan bersama fobia bulan ini berlokasi di Pasar Induk Pandan Sari di balikpapan, berkumpul di meeting point POM bensin Kr. Anyar, tepat pukul 1/2 5 pagi hunting dimulai..

Pasar ini merupakan pasar induk shingga yg datang kesini bukan hanya end customer melainkan sebagian besar ada tukang kulakan yang akan menjual kembali bahan sayuran dan bahan lauk pauk, dipasar2 yg lebih kecil seperti pasar baru, pasar klandasan, pasar BP, pasar sepinggan, pasar butun dll...lalu kemudian di bawa juga ke kompleks2 dan gang2 disekitaran kota balikpapan...

saya lalu berbincang2 dengan salah satu penjual mengenai harga yg skarng makin menggila, karena modal jual untuk seikat bayam saja 6000/ikat, pantas saja ibu saya kemarin mengeluh karena pak mat (tukang sayur langganan di kompleks) menjual bayam satu ikat 9500 rupiah (edann), bahkan kangkung saja modalnya sudah 1000-1500 per ikatnya...dan itu masih melewati beberapa 'tangan' sebelum sampai ke meja makan...

masuk ke dalam saya melihat seorang ibu menyortir wortel yg dia sebut dengan 'tidak layak jual' kenapa? karena ada busuk di ujung nya atau warnanya sudah mulai coklat, makanan ini bukan tidak layak makan namun tidak layak jual...ya karena rumah2 makan terkenal dan hotel2 berbintang seperti tempat saya bekerja skrg tidak mau menerima makanan 'cacat' seperti itu. dan wortel2 itu pun dibuang begitu saja di jalan...suatu tindakan membuang sia2 bahan makanan yang masih dapat di olah untuk kemudian dijadikan bahan makanan bagi temen2 sodara2 kita yg tidak memiliki cukup kapital untuk makan...

ahh saya jadi pengen menulis lagi tentang Food Not Bombs...yah sudah lama saya non-aktif di kolektif ini...sy terlalu disibukkan dengan dunia2 baru yg tidak jelek memang tapi saya rindu dengan keterlibatan saya dan teman2 di kolektif non hierarki tersebut..

baiklahhhh mungkin nanti saya akan muat tulisan mengenai FNB, sebagian besar orang sudah mengetahui bahkan sudah terlibat dengan kolektif tersebut, tapi mungkin juga teman2 saya ada yang belum mengetahui apa itu Food NOt Bombs :) jadi untuk saat ini ijinkan saya membagi apa yg saya liat melalui viewfinder kamera saya...



Morning has broken, like the first morning
Blackbird has spoken, like the first bird
Praise for the singing, praise for the morning
Praise for them springing fresh from the world

Monday, October 20, 2008


cuma pengen ngakak hahhhhhaahahahhahaa......kurang kerjaan.... abis mau uplod di DA lagi traffic jam :(

Monday, October 13, 2008

dusk and summer

She smiled in a big way, the way a girl like that smiles
When the world is hers and she held your eyes
Out in the breezeway down by the shore in the lazy summer
And she pulled you in, and she bit your lip, and she made you hers
She looked deep into you as you lay together quiet in the grasp of dusk and summer

But you've already lost
When you only had barely enough to hang on

And she combed your hair, and she kissed your teeth
And she made you better than you'd been before
She told you bad things you wished you could change in the lazy summer
And she told you, laughing down to her core, so she would not cry as she lay in your lap
She said "nobody here can live forever, quiet in the grasp of dusk and summer

But you've already lost
When you only had barely enough to hang on

She said, "no one is alone the way you are alone"
And you held her looser than you would have if you ever could have known
Some things tie your life together, slender threads and things to treasure
Days like that should last and last and last

But you've already lost
When you only had barely enough of her to hang on

featuring : thelancuy hehehehehhehe

Saturday, October 11, 2008


it's started with a smile....
the way u look into the eye
never realize since then
i left my heart upon ur hand

time goes by
wind just let it fly
yet i enjoy the view
event though there's only a few

and everything goes alright
we went down and hold it tight
making love to the morning dew
feel every inch of it until it flew

then comes the rain
soaking us in bruises and pain
yet we hold on like a stone
i said our love will moving on

but still time goes by
and wind still let it fly
but i still kept the view
because it more than few<>br

but u said u cant wait
just as storm coming straight
rocking on my boat
when i'm about to float

it's not easy to faced
memories arent possible to erased
im holding sands with my bare hand
and it keep on vanished in the end

now i learn to let go
and asks the time to show
will there be love so true
or will i be drowned in blue

it started with a smile
and although i go for mile
i still lovin u somehow
just as i made my vow


Friday, October 10, 2008


Minggu kemarin, pergi hunting landscape sperti biasa dengan FOBIA, kl ini bersama virgo, ayub, tirza , hilman dan jodhy and his father from netherland....

setelah ada sedikit insiden, terpeleset diantara batu-batu...lutut lecet, badan basah separuh...untung kamera nda papa...setelah tertawa dan ditertawakan terutama ama om om belanda yg nd berenti ngakak...sy memutuskan untuk ttp bertahan dan mengambil foto lagi (degn resiko masuk angin) hasilnya dah di uplod sih di deviantart tapi nda ditaruh disini ah karena skrg mau share waktu moto jrock manggung gratis di balikpapan kebetulan stagenya tidak jauh dari tempat kami hunting

sebenarnya nda ada rencana moto juga..la wong baju basah kuyub...jadi setelah hunting selesai kita pergi ke pakde larso ( tmpt makan anak2 fobia belakangan ini selain waroengkoe hehehehe) dengan baju baru (sy bawa kaos ekstra tapi tidak celana pendek dan boxer) jadi makan dengan pantat dingin hahhahhaheahha....sudah terasa masuk angin sy memutuskan pulang duluan semntara yg lain menunggu cone dan dodi jepang datang,...

sampe rumah, mandi, review hasil hunting ehhh kang ryan sms ngajakin moto jrock dan katanya si hilman beserta istri dah disana...ya udah ambil kamera lagi...meluncur..... sampe di indah jemput kang ryan lsg ke lapangan merdeka.... hilman dah disana tapi nda moto katanya pengen nikmatin musik aja.... berhubung saya bukan fans jrock dan buat saya aliran musik mereka basi hahahahahaha tapi saya mau belajar moto panggung jadi, saya lalu berputar ke belakang panggung untuk mencari celah ternyata yg jaga satuan PM dan brimob bok hahahaha akhirnya saya cari cara biar bisa masuk...

keluarin kamera, jepret jepret dulu pake flash biar para PM itu liatin ;)) abis itu cari cari temen wartawan pada didepan semua :( telpon si irfan KP jg nda di angkat, ternyata dia nda di dpan panggung tapi d tower sound monitor, pantes aja nda kliatan, binung...ehhh ada temen lewat si dwin bandit distro, anaknya pengen masuk juga hahahaha ya dah langsung bedua belagak kek wartawan trus masuk dengan muka 'lurus' dan sukses diliatin tapi nda di tanya ama polisi2 itu hahahaha...dan selanjutnya yaaaa jepretttt jepretttt berikut....... :)