Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Save Our Forest!!

kurang dari 2 minggu, tgl 26 April nanti....Hari bumi bakal di peringati semua orang....seberapa banyak kalian yg tau hari Bumi? apa yg kalian tahu ttg kondisi Bumi kita yang kita tinggali sekarang?...

dan untuk kita yg tinggal di Indonesia, apa kalian masih menganggap bahwa bencana yg terjadi di sekitar kita itu kebetulan? jika Ya menjadi jawaban kalian, berarti kalian bisa kembali melanjutkan kegiatan menonton Cinta Fikri dan sinetron2 lainnya, atau tetap ber-Hedonis ria dengan menukar rupiah kamu dengan euphoria sesaat. tapi kalo tidak berarti kalian plg tidak sedikit sadar bahwa bumi kita sudah 'menangis' bahkan 'marah'.

Our mother earth is very kind, from the minute we wake up every morning, she gives us enough fresh oxygen, before we contamine it with our exhaust gas from our car, motorcycle, etc. She's so kind that forest keeps our air clean, and keep the flood away. but what are we doin? we cut the trees down.... saya ingat lagu amy grant (kl nda salah) tp sering di cover oleh artist lain dan terakhir oleh counting crows yang bilang gini

"they paved paradise and put out a parking lot, they cut all the trees, put it on trees museum, and charge people a dollar and a half to see them"
(mereka meratakan surga dan menggantinya dengan tempat parkir, mereka memotong semua pohon lalu menaruhnya di musium dan mencharge orang 1,5 dollar untuk melihatnya)

kita nda pernah ngira kan, mal baru itu berarti berkurangnya juga daerah resapan air...kok bisa? contoh kecilnya, jika kamu punya teras dengan rerumputan maka air hujan yg turun sebagian akan diresap oleh tanah dan rerumputan, tapi coba km semen semua halaman itu lalu hujan turun kemana larinya air hujan itu? ya dia akan bergerak sesuai hukumnya yaitu mencari tempat yg kosong...banjir? sudah pasti.

tidak ada juga yang salah dengan mal baru (kcuali kamu akan di 'paksa' to be more consume thn before) atau perumahan2 baru...tapi yang salah adalah mereka membangun tanpa memenuhi persyaratan2 yg aman bagi bumi. pasti kamu nanya, kok kita nda tau? emang mereka melanggarnya seperti apa? kecuali kamu betul2 peduli kamu pasti cuma akan bilang....aahhhh bodo amat mereka melanggar apa nda toh nda ada pengaruhnya ama kita.

beeeeeeeeehhh....nda ada pengaruhnya? kl banjir sapa yang repot? kl mati lampu (we'll talk bout this later) sapa yang teriak2?

sbeenarnya klo para re-al es-ta-te itu membangun perumahan dengan irigasi (salura
n air) yang benar maka banjir nda akan melanda balikpapan tercinta. karena jelas mereka nda punya saluran pembuangan air yang baik..contohnya? liat aja sekitar rumah kita, sberapa besar sih PARIT2nya??? pernah liat kota2 di eropa? sya belum pernah kesana sih, tapi saya lebih milih nonton DISCOVERY channel daripada Sinetron dan (pengen dibilang) Reality show di stasiun tivi kita, dan disitu mereka kasih liat bagaimana mereka buat saluran irigasi mereka...it's underground and it's MASSIVE. BESAR!.....

sedangkan kita? orang Belanda buat irigasi bagus2, malah ditutup, daerah resapan di jadiin pemukiman, dan hasilnya??? liat tuh kejadian longsor di gn.pasir...dan kebiasaan pemerintah kl dah terjadi bencana...angkat tangan.....pdahal mereka sendiri yang tanda tangan itu surat2 ijin.

dan kini saat banjir sudah menjadi bagian dari kehidupan kita, apa itu menyetop aksi mereka untuk terus menggunduli hutan? secara lokal saja tidak.....Balikpapan dalam wacana untuk dijadikan kota MEGAPOLITAN seperti jakarta, karena di anggap masih potensial dengan wilayah / daerah yang masih bisa di eksplorasi untuk pembangunan. yes! it means more buildings, more mall, more department stores. and LESS FOREST

tidak banyak yang tau bahwa hari ini GreenPeace melakukan aksi damai di Jakarta, tepatnya di Gedung milik korporasi besar di indonesia SINAR MAS GROUP. mereka membeberkan bukti2 riil ttg penyalahgunaan dan eksplorasi hutan besar2an. untuk apa? u name it for urself..... minyak sawit? itu salah satunya.....

Greenpeace telah mengawasi SINAR MAS group belakangan ini dibeberapa daerah dan menemukan bukti konkrit dari eksplorasi besar2an di daerah RIAU, KALIMANTAN BARAT dan PAPUA, daerah2 yg disebut adalah paru2 indonesia dan dunia, jika hutan2 tersebut gundul lalu apa yg akan terjadi dengan suplai oksigen dunia? sejauh ini sudah 200 ribu hektar wilayah hutan yang sudah di JARAH oleh mereka dan mereka merencanakan untuk MENJARAH lagi sbesar 1,1 juta hektar hutan lagi terutama di daerah PAPUA. dan hinanya aktivis2 ini mendapat tekanan dan juga ditangkap oleh pihak berwenang saat melakukan aksi menentang hal ini.

Hal yang bertentangan justru disebutkan oleh pres SBY ttg rencana pengurangan penggunaan gas emisi lucunya disatu sisi SINAR MAS Group tetap merusak dan menjarah hutan tanpa henti. kalo saja presiden kita bisa TEGAS, seharusnya hal ini bisa di cegah.

jadi tulisan ini sbagai support untuk teman2 di GREENPEACE......! SALUTE!!!

kalian bisa baca artikel lengkapnya di sini dan untuk mendukung petisinya kalian bisa isi disini...


oya kalian juga bisa mulai dengan mem-BOIKOT SINAR MAS GROUP, dengan cara tidak membeli, menggunakan atau memakai jasa perbankan mereka.

liat grup mereka di http://www.sinarmasgroup.com atau search aja di www.google.com

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

i choose not to choose

9 april tomorrow...the national election day for indonesia... and also the beginning for the long weekend!! (for most of people not all actually)

so what will u do? go to election post and vote? or like me, try hard to decide whether to go sunrise hunting or just sleep the day out :sleep: :rofl:

yes...i'm not going to join the what-so-called-people's democratic party and vote.. call me golput call me whatever u want.. i just don't have any interest whatsoever ...

my first election was 1998 if im not mistaken...i have fun then by making a hole at people's eye and then dip my middlefinger (instead of pinky just like they suggested) and then give them middle finger hahahahaha :rofl: coz u have to show the finger to the panelist :giggle: yeaahh :evillaugh:

>then the last time was the election for the governor of east kalimantan, where i lived.... i did go to the election post, but just for the ink..yes...i was an employee back then, and one way i could go to the office by noon is by vote :rofl: so i did vote...i just pust the nail straight from the top of the paper fold before i even open it then put it on the box, dip my finger (it's pinky one now :lmao:)

and this year election is the most hilarious, awkward, funny, unbelievable, yet still entertaining :giggle:

why? start with the new regulation and the number of party that join the election, the new regulation is that we can vote exactly who we want to vote... it's good btw but the funny things comes when their start their campaign... all them races to give dreams, promises, and all kind of bull s**t, and suddenly...........................................

their faces is littering my town...yes balikpapan and other town in indonesia is filled with tons of faces....it's not bad actually coz it gives more revenue for the digital printing services hehehhehe.... so they put they faces and promises ( or bullsh**) on, for they who run the campaign on low budget u'll find their photo printed and nailed into box of instant noodles or aqua, better budget print on vinyl and high budgetary goes on billboard!! wow..... i wonder how they manage to pay the cost? from their own money? and then when they got elected they begin to take people's money to cover the campaign cost :giggle: u ask that at urself now :D

and talking bout who are they? some of them is old faces, that try their luck on this election, some of them lost the election for the governor and run for the house of parliament, some lost from the election of the mayor of balikpapan and yes run for local house or parliament but some are new faces and some of them make the comedy out of themselves... yes the election goes for everybody, they can easily register to the nearest party :giggle:

and rumors, gossips are flying bout all these faces.... but i found it by myself...one of my friend's driver...yes driver (we are not talking about his job, coz i believe all people have the right to join the election right?) but then one day i have a chance to chat with him, with two other friends also...and within our conversation...i could make a conclusion that he's not capable to represent the citizen of balikpapan...cmon!!! if i think that im smarter then him...i will not vote for him...cmon!! then other example is my father. no he's not run for the election..but he's co workers does...so just say his name is A, so A is run for election, A is assistant on the barge where' s my father work...when my father ask him, his motivation for this election...u know what his answer is?

'i dunt know, i just run for it coz my father told me to.....'

when i heard this..i'm like.....what??!!! what the F**K!!!!!!!!

and others joke is...i find some of religious leader join the election....i'm like ... in the name of JESUS CHRIST!!... aren't they job as the shepherd isn't enough?? yeah they said...their are going to fight for the right of the community of certain religion that had been minority..but hey! it was written on BIBLE...u will suffer in this world for His name...and that's why u will get Heaven for it.... and since when u mix faith with politics??!!! u stupid donkey a$$!!!!

and their go to my church also...brings free calendars....so u want my vote and my town's sake for a calendar? u moron! and they said that not voting is a sin? im like.....yeaah u also can kiss my a$$!

and complete the list of the clown is one of the candidate for the next RI 1, yeah im talking bout the president of indonesia, one of them, that madam, who once trusted to rules this country and failed, and then run for another election and lost, and now try again...(dont u have other things to do?) bla bla bla... so she's criticize the existence government and their programs telling that it was all bull's part.... but then suddenly her ad on the tv tell the contrary hahhahaa i laughed till cry when i saw the ad.... and i joined other 90K people on facebook that say NO to her for next president...and then it got closed ( we already knew it will happen) but just like old sayin :

mati satu tumbuh beribu ribu....yeah we have a new page and u should visit it...in case u heard we already on the news! heheehehhe tv one and kompas actually, join us here

and so.... what will i do tomorrow? one thing for sure...i'm not goin to vote.... i rather sleep or take a picture hehehehhe.....

they said it's a sin if u not choose.... well i do! i do choose!!


ps : here some article that u might want to check....if it's too late...than it's my bad hahahahahaa

